Sunday 29 June 2014

PLAN - Inspired SketchUp Model

Plan - Farnsworth House, Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, 1951

Plan Remodelling - For the design of my bridge and architectural school, I took key ideas of Mies' Farnsworth House. Apart from using the actual plan and readjusting it I have also taken the idea of a grid layout to model my bridge and architectural school.

This relates back to my mashup concept - use of ease and simplicity - A house is definitely not organic, its very rectilinear but it has a very kind of geological quality through the materials

To begin my design on SketchUp, I first created a grid layout to a size that I could easily work with. The idea was to have rectangles that are easily devisable and so all manners of placement of the design could co-exist with the grid layout. An idea which Mies often used as well as the 3 architect/designers (Pawson, Rams and Ive) use to gain an aesthetic result only attained through grid layout.

(perspective plan) Above shows how my draft bridge design has been sculpted out of the grid layout.

(perspective plan) Above is a refinement of the Farnsworth Plan for the architectural school bridge layout.

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